We are an ISO 9001: 2015 certified company. We became the first actuator company in North America to become ISO certified. We have maintained our registration since 1994 and are continuously improving our Quality Management System to meet the changing needs of our customers. For more than fifty years, we have led the actuator industry by being fully integrated with the latest inspection equipment including coordinate measuring machines, video inspection systems, surface roughness measuring devices, optical measurement system, computer controlled tensile testing machine, statistical analysis software and in-process gauging.In the production process, systematic quality "audits" by our employees is well established. Our employees understand and assume full responsibility to produce a high quality product. Our inspection, measurement and testing capabilities complement our manufacturing systems and processes, ensuring consistency in quality, shorter delivery lead times and containment of costs. Our in-house Tech Center and Engineering Group ensure a direct path between your needs and our production personnel.Cross-functional improvement teams work together to find ways to exceed our customers’ high expectations. Each employee is a professional and is constantly challenged to drive product innovation and process improvement.Suppliers of material, components and services are held to the same high standard we hold for ourselves. Suppliers are selected based on superior quality and proven capabilities. Many suppliers are true partners in our business and participate on our improvement teams.True teamwork ensures that expert voices are heard and considered when developing value-added, custom-engineered solutions that help customers gain the competitive edge they need to be successful in today’s rapidly changing marketplace. Our attitude towards quality, service and value is summed up by our quality policy statement: "We are committed to exceeding customer expectations by performing better every day."
Call Us 800-44-BIMBA
Mon to Friday: 8am-5pm
Email cs@bimba.com
Our expert teams are available to answer your emails 8am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.